Monday, April 26, 2010



( April 26, 2010 --
Popular web site Media Take out posted some vicious comments on Shyheim’s New Video Dust Juice. Even though the content can be deemed inappropriate for certain audiences, Media Take Out suggest that Shyheim is on Herion.
The title of the post was “NUH UHHHHHHH!!! REMEMBER THAT LIL BOY SHYHEIM FROM THE WU TANG CLAN . . . WELL HE MADE A SONG . . WHERE HE BRAGS ABOUT SMOKING HEROIN!!!” Clearly there is a difference between Herion and Dust Juice.
Shyheim Has released a statement “I am in no way shape or form a Herion addict. I am a business owner/ artist that made a song. The song isn’t even about Herion, Dust Juice is something that is being used in my community and I speak from the streets,”

Media Takeout out to assassinate Shyheim

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Shyheim felt the need to speak out, due to the fact that he is a business owner and has been a fixture in the hip hop community for years, and disparaging remarks could be detrimental to his success.
While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is important for media outlets to report the correct news, before rumors spiral out of control. Shyheim’s mix tape Disrespectfully Speaking is available on I Tunes and a link to his Dust Juice Video is posted below.

Be on the look out for his upcoming releases coming out on his own label Bottom UP Records.


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