Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Shyheim Album disrespectfully Speaking


do you think its time for an album with no celebrity features ? are you tired of compilation albums ?
remember most of the classic albums had no celebrity features. does it make or break an artist if he has no features?


Jordan Ray Allen said...

Interesting subject homie. And yes, I'm tired of these collaboration albums being pushed off as solo projects. I miss the days when niggas would hit the pad and pen and just get it in for real on an album! These dudes aren't dropping classics anymore and it's because of the features. The music isn't timeless, it's only relevant the year it comes out. So yeah, I'm cool on those heavily featured projects. The only time I feel it's cool to do that is when your featuring niggas from your immediate circle. For instance, you and niggas from the Wu. Jay-Z did that on the "Dynasty" album. It came out dope. On another note, I was bumping "Shaolin Style" last week. That shit is timeless! What's up with the boy Squig? Is he still rapping?

Anonymous said...

Celeb collabo's or no celeb collabo's the point is HIP HOP IS DEAD. Has anyone really istened to an urban radio station lately. Before we had people who were able to make music that not only made sense but had prophetic meaning in it. Now its Stanky WTF!. I in no way support the bullshit. Everything I buy now is music from before like 2003.. cuz i'm tired of the bullshit. The celeb collabo's are is just the same shit over a different beat. I see Jordan is thinkin how I am. until somebody with sense + substance steps up to the plate the whole shit is gonna go to the birds...Its okay to make sense in a song some time. These Hip Hop guys got diva'd out they make one bubble gum rhyme, Buy a chain and think they DAT nigga.. well I'll tell em otherwise..ur washed no matter who u throw on a shit to save it.The only 2 exceptions I would allow that can collabo all day everyday is Jadakiss and Fab. I could never get tired of them cuz shit they can't really get a buzz for thier album( which is sucky marketing)but thier collabo's never fail. now that i'm riled up.the following people should NO LONGER be allowed to be on the radio.
1.JIM JONES..nanananana..r u serious.
2.JIM nah luv him but its over for him.
3.JAY Z...the reign is over..40 yr olds should be home with thier grandkids.
4.the stanky leg people ..enough is enough this is just madness
5.its a bunch of e,.. but people need fresh blood alotta the people have just outworn thier welcome and nobody wants to here that shit anymore. don't wanna hear about ur jewels , ur bitch and ur benz... motivate me to make sum phuckin $ and do sumthin substantial.. this is why America's FUCKED up right now.. people distributing BULLSHIT!...

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